About Us

Welcome to our site! 

Hey! My name is Lucius. I am the CEO of OUTWARD FOCUSD. 

This year I experienced so much change. Some good and some challenging. I went from being financially secure to starting over. All I had in my hand was a love for Christ and my neighbor, creative ideas and a desire to see love & joy come to a culture in so much pain. 

I began to pray and then use my gifts to create designs that would not only fulfill a dream of mine but would also encourage people to love Yah, love Christ and love one another.

OUTWRD FOCUSD(Outward Focused) is a christian apparel that was create to influence and encourage culture to live with an outward focus in an inward focus world, where Christ is undervalued and people are over looked. Together we can change this! For love will be experienced when Christ is exalted!

Grab a product and join the movement! Be the movement! Share the movement.

Thank you in advance for your partnership!