About Us

Welcome to our site! 

This year I experienced so much change. Some good and some challenging. I went from being financially secure to starting over. All I had in my hand was a love for Christ, a love for the people of Yah, and a desire to see healing come to a culture in pain. Love is the avenue from which healing 

I began to use my gifts to create designs that would not only fulfill a dream of mine but would encourage the people to love God, Christ and one another.

OUTWRD FOCUSD is a christian apparel that create to influence culture to live with an outward focus in a inward focus world, where Christ is undervalued and people are over looked. Healingwill come when Christ is seen more than us, in us. No i. More Christ! Grab a product and join the movement. Be the movement. Share the movement. "Live with an outward focus!"